The aroma of vanilla assaults Vanessa’s nostrils as she looks over to the seven layer chocolate cake. That would be so good with butter pecan ice cream. I really outdid myself; I didn’t cook it as long this time. I wonder if that’s why it’s moister; it was kind of dry before. Yea, I’m gonna have me some of that. Nah, I can’t; cause I won’t stop, I’ll want more and then I’ll start feeling guilty. Well I could go to the gym and work it off—like that’s really gonna happen. What a joke, Vanessa contemplates chuckling aloud.
“What’s got you laughing babe? Are you and your imaginary friend conversing again?” Kennedy questions interrupting Vanessa’s chocolate daydream. “I thought you were getting coffee.”
“I am getting coffee. I was trying to talk myself out of cutting some of that cake. Why are you standing up? Do you want a piece of cake?”

Blushing Vanessa softens and sweetly whines, “oh okay honey.”
“So you’re gonna have some cake now, right?”
“I won’t be able to eat just a slice.”
“Who says you have to?”
“I’m going to remind you of that when I can’t fit through the door way and you’re trying to go elsewhere. I’m gonna say, remember when you told me it was okay for me to eat as much cake as I wanted.”
Looking into Vanessa’s brown, almond shaped eyes, Kennedy’s hands glide down her shoulders to her hands and brings her close. “Not gonna happen love,” Kennedy assures then begins softly kissing Vanessa’s right shoulder moving towards her neck and whispers, “You know you’re my honey bear.” Feeling the tingle of excitement and forgetting about the chocolate cake Vanessa submits and finds Kennedy’s full lips exploring her ear. The heat from her breathe radiates, igniting sensations between her thighs. Subtle moans emanate and Vanessa stands at ease as if giving permission for her middle to moisten and indulge. Kennedy begins driving her pelvis forward as the coffee maker interrupts with percolation aborting the kisses.
“I forgot about the coffee,” Vanessa breathlessly whispers.
“You also forgot to tell me your monthly visitor had arrived,” Kennedy teasingly torts while making play jab motions towards the area where the Stayfree was securely locked in place.
“Like that’s ever mattered to you before. Do you want cream in your coffee?”
“You know what I want, but I’ll settle for cream in my coffee. Is it half and half?”
“No, its French vanilla creamer, isn’t that the flavor you like? I got it after the time you brought me the vanilla coffee with vanilla cream. You said you really liked it right?”
Trying to avoid the vibration from her cell phone Kennedy ponders the possible culprits of all the calls within the past hour and the best way to leave Vanessa without incident.
“Yes mami that’s exactly how I like it, that’s so thoughtful of you. You’re always so sweet to me. Do you have any Styrofoam cups?”
“Why are you asking if I have a disposable cup? Are you leaving? I thought you weren’t leaving,” Vanessa insists.
“I don’t want to leave; believe me I don’t, but I have some school work to finish. By the way is it cool to leave five dollars under Kate’s pillow since she lost her tooth today?”
“Of course you can, she’ll like that. Let me get your coffee while you go to her room. Please don’t wake her. You know she won’t like you leaving.”
“Roger that,” Kennedy replies making the salute motion as if a soldier then pivots and heads to Kate’s room.
Punching in the gate code to get entrance into the community Toni lives, Shaun reflects on the dinner with Andi. That girl just loves her some crazy. She seems unbelievably dissatisfied. First she enjoyed the restaurant now it’s boring. After complaining the majority of the evening she has the gall to think I’m bringing her home with me for more crap. Then she decides that because I don’t want to be miserable the rest of the night, I’m going to be with another woman. Since when did we become exclusive? We’re dating. Now if I was trying to be all up under her, she’d want space. Mercy Lawd she’s a nuisance, but she is stunning; that’s probably part of the damn problem. Her thick eyebrows and Betty Boop eyes that look jet black coupled with a button nose, mascara model eye lashes and Niecy Nash lips; I might’ve passed, that night I approached her voluptuous coke bottle figure, had I known this type of drama was going to be a big part of the package.
“It’s too early for my morning paper and too late for drop-bys so this must be an emergency,” Toni muses and looks up to find Shaun standing frozen like a statue in her doorway. Cupping her mouth like a megaphone she teases, “Can you hear the words coming out of my mouth?”
“Hey T, I’m sorry; I was zoning,” Shaun offers.
“No problem chica, c’mon in, shall I get drinks, smoke or both?
“Drinks were part of that horrific debacle earlier with Andi so let’s not do that, do you have any Perdomos?”
“But of course,” Toni offers in a British accent. “I have Madura Patriarchs and Reserves. You know, you are one of only a few of my friends that smoke cigars. Which is your pleasure?”
Welcoming the curtailing of the conversation with Andi, Karen ruminates over the last year while stepping into the shower. I’m so glad to have clarity in my life now. No more drama with women. If it weren’t for Exodus International, I would still be on a merry go round. Not long ago I found women just as desirable and sensational as men. Thanks to my cousin Sophie, I have been delivered. The testimony I heard at that revival made me feel that change was possible. Who knew back then that I would be able to sever my relationship with Tammy? I was so overwhelmed and confused. The turmoil of loving her and knowing my family’s views used to tear me apart. Meeting Brad was a sign that I’m on the right path. We are so good together and my family seems to like him. I don’t miss the
craziness with Tammy. Sneaking and hiding just to steal moments was hard on my heart and made me feel mentally erratic and off balance. In a way, Brad has been a stabilizer. He’s kept me grounded. I finally don’t feel like I’m drowning in a sea of emotions.
craziness with Tammy. Sneaking and hiding just to steal moments was hard on my heart and made me feel mentally erratic and off balance. In a way, Brad has been a stabilizer. He’s kept me grounded. I finally don’t feel like I’m drowning in a sea of emotions.
“Absolutely,” she exclaims pulling Brad into the shower without first removing his clothing. Unsure, but energized he succumbs when Karen’s sudsy arms and hands begins unbuttoning his shirt. After the second button she rips the rest off and tosses the shirt over the shower curtain onto the bathroom floor. In one motion, before his shirt hits the floor, Brad loosens his sweatpants. While stepping out of them, Karen pushes him back and engulfs his lips. Using the back of the tub and the ceramic wall to post-up, he hoists Karen up with his athletic arms while she wraps her legs around his sculpted waist. Parting her opening was awkward at first due to improper placement but using the muscles in her thighs for balance, the subsequent thrusts invade her walls with perfection. Impulse and juices insist Brad plunge deeper as Karen moans, “yes, like that.” Trying to slow himself to prevent the finale and ensure her pleasure, he thinks about rain and how he doesn’t like rain; and then how it soaks his clothes which reminded him that his member was currently partaking in Karen’s wetness. His release came with euphoric pleasure and immediate guilt followed. “I’m sorry,” Brad whispers as Karen runs the shower head down the front of her body. After slowing the water speed, she lies back and spreads her legs on either side of the tub. She uses her right hand to open her lips and her left hand to grab Brad’s head and put him in position for cunnilingus. “All is forgiven dear,” she smiles.
Mentally mapping out the quickest route to Andi from Vanessa’s house, Kennedy perpends Andi’s many contact attempts and their ensuing conversation; the catalyst to this quick trip. Evasive and dramatic as usual, I won’t really know what she wants ‘til I get there. I don’t feel like her nonsense tonight; Then again, it’s kind of comical how she rakes me over the coals with accusations and innuendo then asks me dumb crap like “you miss me?” and tries to solicit dating advice from me. As if I should give anybody dating tips. I absolutely live by the age old saying, “people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”.
Hearing the date alarm from her phone, Kennedy is reminded that she wants to send some flowers to Vanessa. Dialing 1-800-flowers, she orders a bouquet to include tulips (Vanessa’s favorite flower). While holding for confirmation, she bears in mind the time conflicts with stopping over Andi’s place. I need to make sure I’m gone from there by 11:30 because I need enough time to get to Sophia’s by midnight. I don’t want to put her off again, we’ve already rescheduled twice. I need to just call Andi and tell her we need to hook up another time.
Chuckling over the anticipated upcoming theatrics, Kennedy punches in Andi’s number. As the phone rings a third time a glimmer of excitement over the prospect of leaving a voice message arises and then Andi answers sweetly, “Hey you.”
“Hey Sweetie, well don’t you sound all cozy. Listen doll, we’re gonna have to do this another night; how about Thursday,” Kennedy inquires aware that yelling was about to commence.
“What! You’re standing me up? This is BS and you know it! I thought that was you pulling up a minute ago. You cannot be serious. And what’s up with Thursday, that’s two days from now? ”
“I’m not standing you up sweetie. Thursday is a better day because we won’t be rushed. It’s late and I have some school work to get done. Don’t be upset, we’ll talk everything out then.”
“You’re always doing something like this to me. I won’t have time Thursday and I doubt you have school work; more like a person to do”, Andi declares with disdain.
“I understand Thursday doesn’t work for you. Let me know what day does and we’ll work it out. I have a call coming in that I have to take. I gotta go dear, I’ll talk to you tomorrow; okay doll?”
“Hell no it’s not okay! You better not hang up on me! Kennedy? Hello? Hello? You there? Oh no this B didn’t hang up on me.”
Stay tuned and find out next week …
Is Shaun’s friend Toni just “a friend”?
How much does Brad know about Karen’s past?
Who is Sophia and what is she to Kennedy?
So proud to be here every week during the editing process, and Many Thanks for sharing this experience with me. I will cherish it always.